• News
  • 6 January, 2011

Three LTE Android devices pop up on Verizon’s website

Verizon’s CES press conference is in progress right now, but Engadget noticed not one, but two LTE equipped Android devices popped up on Verizon’s site just now. The HTC Thunderbolt, which you saw some exclusive photos of here first, an unknown Samsung device, and the LG Revolution (which is similar to the LG we showed on video earlier). All three devices will be running Android 2.2, a 4.3 inch screen, and dual cameras. While Engadget’s post only mentions two, their source link shows a slew of new LTE equipped devices.  The source website with the press images is a little overloaded right now, but we’ll be bringing more news as it becomes available.

Source: Engadget