
Three UK to Push Froyo to Their HTC Desire

Good news Three UK users! Those of you who are rockin’ the HTC Desire will begin to receive Android 2.2 starting tomorrow, October 14th and if you’re all about specifics, then you’ll be happy to know that Three UK says at 9 a.m. users can manually check for a system update.

“HTC Desire owners, Android 2.2 Froyo update – HTC have said the update v2.25.771.1 will be live at 16:00 10/14(TW time)” Three UK

Your HTC Desire will receive software version 2.25.771.1 which will bring Froyo goodness. You Three UK users can breathe a little easier knowing that Android 2.2 will soon be upon your device, so take it easy today and relax.

Via: Android Community