
A Timex Smartwatch Doesn’t Need Your Phone Connected to It


Smartwatches are slowly taking the tech world by storm, and with the introduction of Android Wear, that storm is building up to be a hurricane of sorts. The only real drawback of using a smartwatch, is of course the fact that you have to connect your watch to your phone via bluetooth in order to utilize all the functions. Some of us don’t really look at this as a nuisance, but others might. Maybe a Timex smartwatch is for those that hate the fact that they have to have their phone connected to their watch at all times.

Yes, the popular watch manufacturer, Timex, has created a smartwatch called the IronMan One GPS+, that doesn’t need to be connected to your phone at all. You can receive messages, utilize GPS, and play your music, all without having your phone close by. The downside: it is ugly as all hell. Sure, it could be nice to have an independent smartwatch, instead of an extension for your phone, but who needs that? We will never get rid of our smartphones, and when it comes to a design of a smartwatch, we want something a little sleek. This watch isn’t exactly about style, but Timex promises that it can withstand water and any other environment thrown at it like their traditional watches.

You can grab the One GPS+ for $400 with free data for a year on AT&T, if you are willing to sign up for a new contract of course. Doesn’t seem like this watch will make much of a splash in the tech world, but it is only the first smartwatch from Timex. There was a video showing off the new watch, but for some reason that video went into private mode, so hopefully they will make it public again for all of you to see.

Source: The Verge