
Tired of setting up your home screen time and time again with every new Launcher?

Home replacement apps are all over the place in the Play Store. You have ADWLauncher, ADWLauncher EX, GO Launcher EX, LauncherPRO, Nova and APEX just to name a few. There are a handful of other launcher out there that one simply must try to see how it looks, feels and works. The only issue I face with testing out a new launcher or an update to a launcher is the daunting task of setting up the home screen to my liking. It is time-consuming and most of the time an annoyance that prevents me from sticking with a new launcher longer than a few swipes. I know I am not alone in this painstaking ordeal. One developer understood this issue and created a simple and easy to use application that can help.

Lucky Art has produced an app called Desk Migrate. The app is simple, clean and works most of the time for most of the launchers out there. Simply install the app, open it up and select the launcher you want to copy. That’s it. You need to be running the launcher you wish to copy your other home screen to in order for it to work, but it seems to work just great. There are a few minor things that you need to consider though. For instance, specific widgets that run in a specific launcher like Sense, won’t copy over and work on you GO Launcher EX. I know this has been a complaint in the comments, but it is a launcher limitation not an app limitation. So just remember, certain launcher aspects aren’t available in all launchers.

If you have a habit of testing new launchers out of curiosity or just because you get bored easily, you should definitely have this app handy. You can click or scan the QR code below to pick up this super cool free app and give it a test run.

Application: Desk Migrate
Developer: Lucky Art
Cost: FREE