
TiVo launches tablet app to make your TiVoing experience Better

If you don’t have a TiVo we are certain you know someone who does, or have heard the name a billion times. It is written into TV shows, movies and general talk between people, “I’ll just TiVo it.’ If TiVo is your thing and you happen to own an Android tablet, then you might like to know that a new TiVo application has just been released to the Play Store.

It offers up the ability to browse your channel guide with out interrupting your current show, browse your current recordings and play a show in the app, explore the cast and crew while watching a show and a whole lot more. It looks like it should be a pretty great apps to have at your disposal, but we aren’t convinced just yet. Seems a lot of people are rating the application extremely low and reporting lots of issues. It is worth giving it a shot since it is free, but be prepared for potential issues. TiVo offers up some simple trouble shooting steps in the Play Store description to follow that might fix any connection issues,  so give those a go before you rate it down.

Let us know what device you used and if it worked out for you. Just click or scan the usual QR code below.

Application: TiVo for Tablets
Developer: TiVo, Inc.
Cost: FREE