
To Everyone with a Landline Phone, Here Comes Android!

Europe always gets cooler stuff then we do. I might just have to move. Seriously though, Binatone has just released their Android home phone, called the IDECT iHome phone. Although this device is a home phone, there is a lot of Android built in. The iHome comes loaded with stock Android, Wifi ability, web browser, internet radio,Youtube, MP3 player, widgets and RSS feeds, and SD card slot. Sounds like an Android phone to me. The base doubles as a docking station with speakers to play music.

This is a home phone too. Which means it has all your basic home phone options like caller ID, call waiting, and a 14 minute digital voice mail box. Being the gadget geek that I am, I would love to have one of these sitting on my desk.

Feel free to check out the full specs at Binatone.

What do you guys think? If this came stateside and was available would you pick one up?

Source: Androidcommunity