
Trademark Office Approves Two Names for T-Mobile

T-Mobile has been busy gearing up for the T-Mobile G2 launch and now that they have made the G2 page official, we should start seeing more and more updates about T-Mobile’s first HSPA+ device. That’s not all that is keeping them busy, it seems like T-Mobile has been looking toward the future as they have been visiting the Trademark office. AndroidGuys having been digging up the latest names acquired by Magenta and have shared their knowledge. T-Mobile has scooped up the names “MyTouch HD” and “The Family Network.” Compared to other carriers, T-Mobile seems to focus their marketing to families as a whole, maybe in a future promotion they’ll offer more options to their family plans in a ploy to draw more customers. The “MyTouch HD” comes as no surprise since we first laid eyes on the leaked images. Who knows what T-Mobile’s future may hold, but devices like the G2 and the MyTouch HD will surely launch T-Mobile.

Source: TMOnews

How do those names sound?