
Transformer Prime Release Pushed Back But Will Have Android 4.0

Oh I know you guys were anxiously awaiting for the first quad-core tablet, The Transformer Prime, but your going to have to wait just a little bit longer. The boys over at Digitimes have reported sources from upstream supply chain say Google is providing assistance to ASUS in order to make sure the Transformer Prime ships with the latest Android 4.0. So pretty much good news and bad news. Bad news is you are going to have to wait a little longer, good news is that it’s going to come equipped  with the latest Android goodness that is Ice Cream Sandwich.

Its Kind of funny that the day we hear about the first quad-core phone, we then hear a delay on the first quad-core tablet. It’s all good though. This way instead of getting the tablet with Honeycomb on it and waiting for your ICS update, you just get it right off the bat. Who wouldn’t want an Ice Cream Sandwich, quad-core beast to go with Christmas dinner. It will taste good with some apple pie.

Source: Android and Me