
Turn your Android device into a universal remote with Beacon by Griffin

Have you ever been relaxing on your couch watching TV and get bored with your show and want to change the channel but have to get up to find the remote? Maybe your kid walked off with it and put it in the fridge while they were getting a snack and it is now missing. (it has happened to me before) Or that all important time during a game and the batteries go dead with no spares in sight. No matter the reason behind the remote MIA or being dead, we have all been there at one point in time in our lives. It can be frustrating and down right stressful. How would you like to stop the remote madness quickly and easily?

A new device from Griffin and Dijit Media called the Beacon, aims to accomplish just that. The concept of this little device is pretty simple. It connects to your Android device via Bluetooth and turns that signal into an IR transmission. Essentially turning your device into a universal remote control. Allowing you to easily control your entire living room right from your device.

The software side is a simple application that is easily installed to your Android powered device. Offering you various controls that you would find on any typical remote control. You gain full control over the buttons that appear on your screen for various operations. Allowing you to have a clean remote interface with out all the extra buttons that you never use. If that isn’t cool enough, they also have a built-in programing guide that works with every cable and satellite company in the U.S. and Canada. The application also supports connect-ability to your ROKU box over WiFi with no need for the IR converter accessory.

What is this little piece of modern tech going to set you back? Not as much as you might think. The application is actually free via the Android Market. Which, as stated will work for your ROKU box just fine. If you want to get the full experience though, you will need to pick up the Beacon device. It is available via Griffin directly, or even Best Buy. Retail price will set you back $69.99. That is a pretty reasonable price considering a decent universal remote is going to cost you $50.