
Turn your live wallpaper into a live Facebook and Twitter Feed with Bubbleator!

If you’re a widgethead like myself, you love your little windows on your home screens that update every 5 minutes with new information about what so and so did with her hair or what AndroidStory has to say about Ice Cream Sandwich. You scroll through your feeds without having to open up an application, and life couldn’t be better. Well how about having your facebook, twitter, weather, calendar events, and messages float across your home screen as if they were gently floating across a calm digital river. Oh man, that’s what widgets are missing. Movement. None of them move and now I can see what my friend in Alaska thought about last nights episode of Two and a Half Men in a news ticker sort of way. When I first applied Bubbleator to my home screen, my mouth dropped. It was pretty amazing looking. Check the video down below to see what I’m talking about.


I must say, even though I think this app is very pretty and full of awesomeness, I still don’t think it’s for a widgethead like me. I like the ability to scroll through my widgets and have that quick access. I think this live wallpaper is more for people who don’t have widgets or a lot of icons on their home screens. If your home screens seem empty and you would like to add some life to it, I highly recommend putting this on your phone. What’s great too is that you can choose any wallpaper in your gallery to be your background as the news feeds float across. Want to know another great bit of awesome about this app? IT’S FREE! Yes FREE. Who doesn’t like to spend a little free on something? So I say give it a shot and for my fellow widget heads out there, you might actually think twice about having all those widgets after you take a look at this app. I almost caved in. Will you?

Application: Bubbleator
Developer: ARO
Cost: FREE