
Twitter Moments have just been released, not to be confused with Facebook Moments

So apparently ‘moments’ are a thing. Facebook has had something called “Moments” for some time now, but it looks like Twitter has a similar, but different, idea that collates relevant tweets about certain events together. It’s not clear if the curation of these Moments is via an algorithm or someone who actually exists, but these Twitter Moments are supposed to be the “best of what’s happening on Twitter in an instant”. To get to it, if you use Twitter on Android, iOS or desktop and are in the US, you should see a new lightning tab titled “Moments” – from here, you’ll be able to scroll through relevant tweets or other Moments to see the day’s happenings. In fact, Twitter has some dot points on how it thinks you should use Moments:

  • When you click into a Moment, you’re taken to an introduction with a title and description.
  • Start swiping to dive right into the story, with immersive full-bleed images and autoplaying videos, Vines, and GIFs.
  • A single tap gives you a fuller view of the Tweet, which you can favorite, Retweet, and more. A double tap lets you instantly favorite the Tweet.
  • The progress bar at the bottom indicates how much more each Moment has to offer.
  • Swiping up or down dismisses the Moment and takes you back to the guide.
  • At the end of a Moment, click the share button to Tweet your thoughts, and send it out to your followers.

It’s a nice idea, but obviously not nice enough to release to the whole world right now. What do you think about Twitter Moments? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: Twitter via Droid-life