
Twitter Reveals Mysterious Samsung GT-i9200

A tweet from the Samsung US Firmware group revealed some brief specs for a Samsung GT-i9200.  A quick search of the interwebs couldn’t reveal anything on this device and of course Samsung doesn’t comment on anything in the works.  While this device is unknown, Korean based Samsung did confirm last week via twitter that the Nexus S was real, dual core and Samsung was working on it.

Is the GT-i9200 the model we’ve all been waiting for? No, says someone over at XDA, reporting that this mystery device has an 800×400 resolution and the same processor as the Galaxy S model phones, hardly the specs of the big bad new Nexus S.  There was also speculation across other Android sites that this firmware leak was that of the Galaxy S2. However we have heard that the Galaxy S2 will have 1280×720 resolution and a slew of mega-specs that can’t be confused with the firmware leaked on twitter.

What is it? What do you think?

source: phonearena