
Two Samsung Galaxy S5 variants get benchmarked and reveal some very interesting Specs

two samsung galaxy s5 variantstwo samsung galaxy s5 variants
At the end of January, KGI Research made the courageous decision to make an educated guess of what specifications they expected the Samsung Galaxy S5 to have, and to our surprise, they postulated that there would be in fact be two variants of the Galaxy S5, one a standard version and one a premium version. While there has been very little reference to more than one variant of the Galaxy S5 since then, some benchmarks that have showed up on the AnTuTu database might just prove that KGI was mostly correct as they feature two Samsung Galaxy S5 variants, the SM-G900R4 and the SM-G900H.

The above images were gleaned from the database and appear to describe two very different devices, though it’s clear that one is meant to be a more powerful device. The SM-G900R4 looks like a lock as the premium device, bearing a quad-core Snapdragon 800 clocked at 2.5GHz, a 2560×1440 display, 3GB RAM and 32GB ROM. With a slight step down, the SM-G900H looks to be what we’ll be calling the standard version, featuring a octa-core Samsung Exynos 5422 running at 1.5GHz, a 1920×1080 display, 2GB RAM and 16GB ROM. Both are obviously not devices to sneeze at, but the SM-G900R4 looks a lot more enticing with it’s higher end specs, though somehow it doesn’t look that much more impressive than its counterparts, like the LG G2 and Xperia Z1, at this point.

two samsung galaxy s5 variants

Benchmark for SM-G900R4

two samsung galaxy s5 variants

Benchmark for SM-G900H

Above we have the benchmarks from the AnTuTu database and what you might notice from the 3D performance of the two new devices is that the standard Galaxy S5 (SM-G900H) actually appears to perform better than the premium Galaxy S5 (SM-G900R4). What’s more is that while the standard version (SM-G900H) performs better than the Galaxy Note 3 it’s been compared with, the premium version (SM-G900R4) actually performs worse than the Note 3. SamMobile suggests that the difference in 3D performance is due to the fact that the Adreno 330, while featured in both the premium Galaxy S5 and the Note 3, it is actually powering a 2560×1440 resolution display in the Galaxy S5 as compared to a 1920×1080 display in the Note 3.

As a round up, the two Galaxy S5 variants do appear to have a few things in common including running Android 4.4.2 as well as both having a 2.1MP front camera and 16MP rear camera. Despite some very impressive hardware, impressive benchmark scores and now two variants, the Galaxy S5 doesn’t appear as invincible as it has in the past, but that’s just my opinion: what do you make of the specs shown off here? Which variant of the Galaxy S5 would you get? Let us know in the comments.

Source: AnTuTu (1), (2) via SamMobile