
TypeFresh: Changing Android Fonts on the Fly

There have been a few good shell scripts that have been developed to change system fonts on an Android device, but it seems that openback over at XDA has come up with an app that lets **rooted** users change their fonts on the fly. While the device would require a restart after the new settings have been applied, it makes it simple to change fonts back and forth to whatever you may like.

The fonts are saved on the sdcard of your device, and that makes it simple to add or remove fonts to your liking. Feel like using Calibri for the day, no problem… want to feel a little more on the bubbly side for the weekend? Use a font like Comic Sans. (Not 100% certain about compatibility of those fonts as the fonts need to be a TTF file).

Even better, the dev behind it all has posted all of his work on github for easy access and modifications. Of course, be kind and ask permission before using his work and trying to pass it off as your own.

So go out and download the app. It can be found on the Market, on XDA, or at the github.

What’s your favorite font to use on your device?

[Source XDA Developers Forum ]