• News
  • 25 November, 2011

Unlocked GSM Galaxy Nexus now shipping via Negri Electronics

We hope you all survived your Black Friday shopping morning. If you haven’t maxed out your credit cards just, w found another company shipping out the illustrious GSM unlocked Galaxy Nexus for a staggering $769.50. I love how they have the regular price crossed out of $869.50. Makes you feel like you are getting some sort of deal.

Don’t you miss the days when the Nexus One was only $529? That seemed steep back then but technology always goes up in price as it progresses and then soon takes a dip for the average person to afford it.

You can even have it gift wrapped! Nice. Feel free to send me an email and I’ll kindly send you my address so you can send me one. :O)

Source: Negri Electronics via Androidcentral