
Unofficial CM10 Alpha 1 makes its way to the Barnes & Noble Nook Color

The Nook Color?? Anyone know what that is? It might seem a little old school and not like a top priority, and you might kind of be right. The fact that it was done and is being worked on is what is more important. The NookieDevs have been tirelessly working and building and squashing bugs to get the most current CM10 (Android 4.1.2) all loaded up and functioning on the Barnes & Noble Nook Color a.k.a the Encore.

They have done it. How and why? We aren’t sure, but they have proven it to be possible. The build they released super early this morning is up for those of you that are curious about the whole en-devour. It is still just an Alpha build and more so as a preview build, but they have a fairly short list of known issues.


  • HD YouTube (regular SD is hardware-accelerated, however)
  • Netflix (we know *someone* will ask)
  • The home (aka “n”) button doesn’t wake the device from sleep. We’re working on it.
  • OpenGL rendering has been turned off (due to poor performance) – so any apps that need it (such as Chrome) may not take advantage of OpenGL..
  • A weird bug: Wall-power charging isn’t detected when the charger is plugged in while sleeping – so be sure to wake the device before plugging in your A/C charger (usb charging is fine)
  • Possibly other stuff.

Some of those might disappoint you, but at the same time, we are talking about an older tabletish device that was never meant to even be close to a powerhouse device of any kind. The fact that the team is working on it still and that it is said to run pretty well, is a great achievement.

The team has a rather lengthy thread running over at XDA currently with all the details you could possibly want to know. They offer up a little back story, how a lot of the Drivers had to be re-written to even get it this far and some other important aspects. It is a good read. If you want to know a few things they did and even grap the current preview build for yourself to try out, then head over to NookDevs 2012 XDA thread. As always, be sure to read everything at least once, but twice is recommended.

Thanks for the tip @krylon360 and nice work to the whole team.