
Update: T-Mobile release confirmed? And more rumors…

We reported the other day that T-Mobile may be planning an android handset release for Spring. Well, TmoNews has continued to receive solid tips and they’re ready to confirm some release dates.

The May 17th release date for the MyTouch “Slide” has been confirmed and will apparently be available in black, white and red. There is also a drop from HTC planned for February 10th which is rumored to be the MyTouch 1.2; apparently it’s a regular MyTouch with a 3.5mm handset jack (um, ok) and will be available in black and white. Lastly, the release of a Motorola Android handset codenamed Zeppelin rumored to be dropping March 10th. We’ll see how these rumors pan out but so far 2010 looks to be starting out very good for Android. 😉

Source:  TmoNews