
User Guide For The Samsung Transform Hits Sprint’s Website

The Samsung Transform first made an appearance last week and now it looks like the user guide for this device has made it onto Sprint’s website. The user guide is in a .pdf file which you can simply click the source link to see how to use this device.

Features of the Samsung Transform include:

  • Android 2.1 (one image shows the Android 2.2 launcher)
  • Stock Android UI
  • front-facing camera (p. 27, 133)
  • 3-megapixel camera
  • Slide out full QWERTY keyboard (4-row)

The Transform doesn’t look to be sporting Galaxy S branding, but the front-facing camera reference on page 133 of the user-guide could mean this will be a 4G device or it could only be functional over Wi-Fi. Nothing really confirms anything in the user guide.

This is looking to be a pretty nice device, anyone like this device over the EPIC 4G so far?

Via: Sprint [pdf], Android Central