
Verizon announces their “Share Everything” plans, available June 28th

Today Verizon announced the “Share Everything” plans we have been hearing about. The “Share Everything” plans are kind of like a build it yourself plan. They all include unlimited voice and text then let you chose what devices you want to add (up to 10) and how much data you want (up to 10gb). I was reading over this PDF and made sure to zoom in on the fine print “Data overage is $15 per 1gb. Need more than 10gb of data? Add 2gb for $10 by logging in to My Verizon.” It is nice of Verizon to offer us 2 extra gigabytes for just 10 dollars but the overage charges could still get ridiculous. It’s a pretty interesting idea and I can definitely see how for the right situation this would be perfect but for those with grandfathered in unlimited data plans not so much. Are any of you thinking of switching over from your current plan to the “Share Everything” plan?


Source- VerizonÂ