
Verizon branded Galaxy Note II looking at Nov 29th launch Day

Well ladies and gentlemen, it looks like a new document has surfaced alluring to a November 29th launch date for the Verizon branded Samsung Galaxy Note II. Earlier we saw the pre-order page for the device stating a ship date of November 27th, now we see a document listing the Note II to launch on the 29th. Both of these dates add up to equal the same thing, a late launch for Verizon.

It is hard to argue that November 29th won’t be the launch day. They could move it up a little bit, but at this point we doubt it. Other insiders have also mentioned this to be the launch day in the past. When other carrier announcements started to hit with a much earlier time frame we expected Verizon to also move theirs up too. What is causing Verizon to be late to the party? It could be a number of variables that we aren’t privy to on the inside. A few speculations include other devices being on the list for launch before the Note II. Not really one that we buy into. Honestly we think it has something to do with the production of he device and the carrier branded logo on the button. It might seem like a small addition that Verizon was able to swing to make their Note II just a tiny bit different, but it would add some more work to the production of the device.

What do you think is the cause? Have you seen a reason for the delayed launch somewhere else? Let us know, we are pretty interested in why Verizon of all carriers will be a month late to the game.

Source: DroidLifeÂ