• News
  • 31 July, 2012

Verizon Forks Over 1.25 Million Dollars to FCC for Blocking Tether Apps

I remember a couple of years ago, when I was working with a buddy of mine on a video project for his moms work, he showed me PdaNet. I thought it was the cat’s meow of how we were going to be able to run our laptops when we were out and about. Then Verizon decided to put the kibosh on that , and shut off any ability to tether the mobile signal with any third-party app. Well it looks like Verizon is going to have to open the mobile flood gates for all of us to use, with the app of our choosing.

The FCC ruled that Verizon is in violation of C Block of the LTE spectrum. This means they cannot just block the use of the LTE signal, just because the costumer is using an app of their choosing. With that, Verizon has to fork over 1.25 million dollars to the FCC for this violation. Can you say, in your Big Red face? So now if you are on a Big Red plan, you can now use that $20 a month tethering plan, and choose an app from the Play Store that you want to use to tether to your devices. Just make sure you are on a  “usage-based pricing plan.” Always a catch right? Let us know what you guys think.

Source: Engadget