
Verizon Galaxy Nexus gets an LTE Working Jelly Bean Port!

Might be a little late on reporting this one, but it is pretty big news for you Verizon Galaxy Nexus owners out there. First, there was the GSM GNex leak of Jelly Bean and everyone on Verizon was left with their hands empty. Then came a version for the Verizon GNex, but it was riddled with radio issues and no LTE support. Now…we have ourselves with a stable port with LTE and all the trimmings! I have two friends that have already given this build a try, and they could not be happier. So for those of you with a Verizon Gnex that were waiting for a simple and fully working Android 4.1 ROM, click the link below and let us know how delicious it is.

RootzWiki Thread