
Verizon Galaxy Tab 10.1 to see OTA soon, TouchWiz UX in Tow

Updates to our much-loved devices are always good to see. That doesn’t mean they are always welcomed though. There is an update to the Galaxy Tab 10.1 headed to your Verizon device shortly. With the update you can expect to find the usual series of various bug fixes and enhancements to the device. You’ll pick up BT 3.0 support, DivX support and Wi-Fi enhancements as well. The most notable change you will see though, Samsung’s TouchWiz UX.

Some people love it, others hate it. I personally don’t mind it much. It has its place in the realm of Android. I would personal prefer stock AOSP Android over a custom UI, but that is just me.

The update also includes a slew of new apps, many of which are a great addition to your tablet. You will find All Share, which lets you connect to your  home network and easily watch movies among other things. You will pick up a cool Photo Editor app and My Files (File Explorer). Many of which I actually miss on my Galaxy S. There is also going to be a mini apps tray added too. Offering you 6 apps that can be launched anytime anywhere. Not to sure how I feel about that addition.

No set date has been announced for the update to start going live, but it should be fairly soon. Verizon doesn’t usually wait to long from the time they post an update PDF to start the push. So keep an eye out for it. In the mean time, you really should pop on over to Verizon’s support site and take a look at how different your tablet experience will be.

Source: Verizon