
Verizon is Bringing 4G LTE to your Home with New Wireless System

Well looks like Verizon wants to take some of that fast LTE that phones have been rocking, and bring it into households. Basically they want to take your old, slow as a turtle DSL, and bring the super fast LTE to run your network at home. Well lets see how this seems like a great idea, but would be a bad investment.

Verizon HomeFusion Broadband service will bring in speeds from 5-12 mbps downloads, and 3-5 upload speeds to anything that is jacked into it. So what is the pricing like? Pretty hefty. First, there is a $200 installation fee to install an antenna that links to the router that will operate the network. It is a one-time fee of course, and then costumers can start off by getting 10 GBs of data for $59.99 a month. 10 GBs? Hope whoever is planning to get this is not running Netflix because you will wipe that out when you are on the eighth episode of season one of Arrested Developement. Now I am sure there will be multiple plans if you are willing to fork over your hard-earned cash for this service. The wireless system can run up to 20 devices at a time so 10 GBs will get swallowed up in about 5 minutes. But no one would be that dumb to be running that many devices at a time, right?

What is really dumb about investing in this system, is if you have Verizon FiOS in your area, you are way better off going with that. Direct fiber coming into your house as opposed to an antenna that is receiving a signal. That is just me though. I would not even think about getting this service, because even though the LTE is pretty great, having it come to your house just sounds like a bad idea. What do you guys think? Bad idea or good idea?

Source: Giga OM