
Verizon launching the HTC Merge Thursday, November 18th?

Given the hype around yesterday’s Web 2.0 event, it looks like Droid-Life ran a story pegging Thursday, November 18th as the newly suspected launch date of the HTC Merge. The HTC Merge is that sexy full-QWERTY slider that many of you have forgotten about, and while many rumors surrounding this device listed a November 11th launch date, it looks like we have a new rumor that pegs a November 18th date for the unveiling of this HTC world phone.

Features of the HTC Merge include:

  • Android 2.2
  • HTC Sense UI
  • 5-Megapixel camera
  • World roaming capabilities
  • full-QWERTY slide out keyboard

If you check out the image below, it looks like Verizon is planning on launching the HTC Merge and re-launching the HTC Droid Incredible. We must also point out that this is the first time that the HTC Merge has been labeled as a DROID handset, we’re a little confused with the previous leaks showing the Bing search application.

What are your thoughts about the HTC Merge?

Via: Droid-Life