
Verizon Motorola DROID MAXX Gets A Leaked Photo

verizon motorola droid maxxLeaker of all things worth leaking, evleaks, has done it again; this time it’s the Verizon Motorola DROID MAXX, showing off its pretty kevlar body inherited from the DROID RAZR MAXX HD. Interestingly, they haven’t crammed Motorola anywhere onto the front of the device, which is a nice departure from Motorolas of old.

I can’t imagine there’s much else to be said about it this one photo, but hopefully we’ll get to see the back in the next leak. What do you guys think about the look of the DROID MAXX? Also, who else imagines themselves shouting whenever they read the names of these Motorola devices because they’re in capitals? Anyone? Let us know what you think in the comments.

Source: Twitter