
Verizon Officially Rolling Out Android 2.2 for the Droid Incredible Today

For those of you who were skeptical about all of the update drama surrounding the HTC Droid Incredible, you will be pleased to know that Verizon has stated via Twitter that the roll out of Android 2.2 will start today. As with any software update, you can expect the OTA roll out to continue for several days, so don’t worry if your device doesn’t see the update today, your day will come really soon.

Features and enhancements include:

  • Better web browsing with included Adobe Flash 10.1 pre-installed
  • Support for 720p video recording
  • 3G Hotspot capabilities
  • 270-degree screen rotation
  • Automatic application updates
  • Pre-loaded VZ Navigator app

Via: Phandroid


Anyone already enjoying Froyo from this here OTA?