
Verizon promises signal strength fix coming for the Samsung Galaxy Nexus


Just when you thought it was safe to take a break from writing about the Galaxy Nexus — here we are again, writing about the Galaxy Nexus. In today’s installment of what’s beginning to be the most played-out soap opera since Days of Our Lives, it appears owners of the Verizon LTE G-Nex have experienced significant signal strength issues. Some folks are even dropping calls left and right. As you can imagine, this leaves lots of room for an irritated bunch of Verizon customers — none of which are afraid to voice their experiences.

Well, good news for you, if you’re in the Big Red Galaxy Nexus crew. Verizon has owned up to the issue, and is working on a fix to take care of it. Unfortunately, there’s no time frame for the update’s release, but it’s nice to know that the issue has been acknowledged and is being looked at by The Man. Here’s the tweet from @VZWSupport:

Galaxy Nexus Signal Tweet
We’ll be sure to keep our eyes and ears on this story for an update. Once it is available, we’ll gladly let you know. For now, we want to know how your experience with the Galaxy Nexus has been thus far. Signal strength issues got you down? Are you asking everyone you know, “Can you hear me now?”

Source: Droid-Life