
Verizon Releases V Cast Messages on the Market

There are plenty of V Cast branded apps available in the market, as long as you have a Verizon branded Android device. Now one more has been added to help you manage your messages better. The app includes 2 features not seen in the the stock messaging app, Group Conversation and Location Messaging. The latter allows you to quickly add your location to a message and share with your friends or you can insert an address, a favorite location, there is even an option for Places by Bing. Everyone is familiar with VZW Android devices and their Bing relationship, so it should be no surprise that it is heavily integrated into this app especially with it’s whopping 5.43 MB size.

Group Conversation is a welcomed addition to the app and seems to work pretty well. Typically when you send a message to more than one person at a time the message will show as being sent as many times as the number of people you sent them to, and replies come in as separate threads. With V Cast Messages only one message shows as an outgoing message to your group and all replies come back to that same thread.

While it doesn’t have all the features that Chomp SMS or Handcent offer, V Cast messages is still a pretty robust app and Verizon customers should definitely give it a spin if you have one of the currently supported devices: Moto Droid, Moto Droid 2, Droid X, LG Ally, HTC Eris, HTC Droid Incredible, Samsung Fascinate. Hit up the download link bellow or scan the QR code and be sure to let us know how it is for you.

App: V Cast Messages

Developer: Verizon Wireless

Price: Free