• News
  • 13 July, 2010

Verizon Says No Shortages for Droid X

It seems like everyone is trading in their current phone these days a shiny new smartphone. You pick out the phone of your dreams only to have hopes cruelly dashed when the sales clerk tells you they’re sold out. Oh, the humanity.

Possibly as a result of the HTC Incredible and Evo shortages, rumors were starting to creep up Droid X would suffer the same fate. Before you start deciding who is going to go down so you can get your hands on a Droid, Brenda Raney of Verizon says there is nothing to worry about:

While we are currently experiencing delays on orders of one of our more popular phones. We view that as an anomaly driven by a combination of supply and popularity,” she said. “At present, we feel that we have done everything possible to ensure we have inventory to meet customer needs around the Droid X–the proof will be in the execution on July 15.

So there you have it, you can relax a bit. Of course, there is always the chance their preparations will not be enough. In that case, save the hassle and put yourself on a pre-order list.

Source: Droid-Life, CNN