
Verizon Wireless Cooks Up 4G/LTE On East And West Coasts

For those who have been waiting for some improvements in data speed look no further you may have just been granted access.

East Coast

  • Verizon Wireless is flipping the 4G/LTE switch on in Quakertown, Harrisburg and Hartford. With more cities expected in the coming weeks.

West Coast

  • The west coast gets a bit more LTE service as well; Fresno, Sacramento, Boise, Salt Lake City and Spokane will all have 4G/LTE service by the end of the week. Additionally residents in Marin and Solano counties in the San Francisco bay area can expect 4G/LTE service by June 16th.

Verizon Wireless is continuing an aggressive roll out of their 4G network. Now customers in the markets above can experience faster speeds, faster downloads, faster internet and better streaming. Customers in 4G markets can utilize the faster service on a wide variety of products including; USB sticks, mi-fi hubs, and the HTC Thunderbolt, Samsung Droid Charge and the LG Revolution.

Source: Verizon