
Verizon Writes Letter in Regards to Bootloaders. Claims they could cause a ‘Negative Impact’ to Customers

Oh Verizon. What are we going to do with you? The boys over at Droid-Life intercepted a letter from one of their users to Verizon Wireless. The user claims that the locked bootloaders that Verizon loves to put on their phones, violates the “Block C License” . You got to love Big Red’s response, as they first talk themselves up before getting to the point of why they are phone Nazis.

First and foremost, they begin the letter by stroking their “customer service ego”, by saying that they have established excellence to the customer experience. Then they go on saying that if any customer has any questions that they…blah blah BLAH! When they get to the point, they simply state that any changes in the phone’s software can cause a negative impact to how the device connects to the network. In their words, “alter the Verizon Wireless Experience”. Like it is a freakin’ 3D ride at Disneyland.


All in all, they simply do not want us to mess with their devices. They could have saved some time and simply just wrote, “DON’T F@#$ WITH OUR DEVICES!!!” Might have gotten the point across a little bit clearer, but that is not very customer friendly. I mean I can see their point that if some root noob decides to root his phone and bricks it, he can simply take it in to get it replaced claiming that “it just didn’t boot up.” But they are dealing with Android. An open source OS, which is what makes it so great. So if they are going to be releasing the latest and greatest they will have to except that we will hack the absolute crap out of their devices. Let me know what you guys think down below.

Source: Droid-Life