
Verizon’s HTC Droid Incredible 4G Hits FCC with Beautiful Stock ICS Apparently

Those of you on the Big Red network that have an upgrade quickly approaching, might be glad to hear that the new Droid Incredible 4G has made its way over and is going through FCC. This new incredible machine will be rocking a 1.2 GHZ dual-core processor, 8 MP camera, and running untainted Ice Cream Sandwich. That might also be something that is music to your ears.

Previous Droid Incredibles have had Sense thrown on top of the OS, but it looks like this time the 4G streaming device will stick with stock ICS. So if you are not quite wanting to take the Sammy route with the Galaxy Nexus, but want a phone with stock ICS, the Droid Incredible 4G is soon coming to Verizon stores. This comes out of a Japanese website called Blog of Mobile, referring to the model number  HTC PJ53100 that showed up at the FCC. They assure us that it is definitely the Droid Incredible 4G. So who is going to wait for this phone? Let us know.

UPDATE: Okay apparently not stock ICS with a little more digging. Sense 4.0 is looking to be thrown on top. Sorry guys!

Source: Unwired View