
Verizon’s “Post Holiday” commercial and sale leaves us wondering “Why?”

For those of you who enjoy commercials, Verizon has just uploaded their latest video ad to their YouTube account — one that definitely has us questioning their marketing department’s motives.

The commercial is entitled, “Post Holiday” and is a 30-second spot featuring Big Red’s after-Christmas sale. There’s only one problem though — the Galaxy Nexus is nowhere in sight on this one. Instead, why not treat yourself to a Motorola DROID Bionic for $199.99, or a Pantech Breakout for only $49.99?

Seriously, Verizon? You’re sitting on the most talked about device of the year, and this is what you give us? How about showcasing the pure Google experience for once, rather than shoving more locked down OEM-controlled devices down our throats? In my opinion, Verizon should be doing everything they can to put the Galaxy Nexus in as many hands as possible, but my opinion is just that. Apparently, Verizon has a “bigger picture” in mind and could care less about what I think.

I’m not discrediting the Bionic or the Breakout — they’re both nice devices, but I think it’s lame that Verizon is still pushing outdated devices with no concrete intentions on updating them to Ice Cream Sandwich. The whole thing reeks of fragmentation, and I’m 100% against the willful promotion of fragmentation.

On a side note, VZW is also offering a double data promotion for a limited time. The same $30 that previously netted you 2GB (yikes) will now land you a cool 4GB. Oh, how I miss the days of truly unlimited data…

Check out the commercial below:


Source: YouTube