
Video from Samsung Shows Us Its Galaxy S4 Stress Testing

galaxy s4Have you ever wondered how phone manufacturers like Samsung test their devices for durability and the rigors of daily life clumsiness? Well, Samsung has put up a YouTube video giving us a look at some of the testing that went on for the Galaxy S4 before it was released.

From the video, Samsung looks to put its Galaxy S4‘s through some drop tests, water tests and stress tests that all look like plausible occurrences in normal life. The test where they drop a weight on the screen is always a cringe-worthy experience. If you’re feeling game, have a watch of the video below:

Although this testing is designed to ensure that the Galaxy S4 is ready for consumers, I do like the note at the end of the video that says “don’t try this at home”. Any Galaxy S4 owners feel better about how durable their phone is now? Let us know below in the comments.

Source: YouTube via engadget