
Video: Motorola Atrix 4G Promo Video – I Love This Phone

I’m not sure if it’s the device itself that I love or if it’s the laptop dock ability. No matter what I see of this device, I wish more and more that it would come to T-Mobile, but I know there is no chance of that ever happening.

We do know that the Atrix 4G will be going on sale through Costco and Amazon for only $150, which is a smoking deal for a device of this caliber. This will be the first Dual-Core Android device to hit the U.S., which is a pretty exciting thing for all of us and for AT&T, the carrier making it happen.

We had a little one on one time with this device at CES. Check out the link for what we got to play with.

Now on to the promo video from Motorola. It almost gives me the chills.