
[Video] Shadowgun gets enhanced for Tegra 3, looks Stunning

When Shadowgun by Madfinger Games first was announced we all went crazy over it. It was only available on Tegra 2 devices for what seemed like eons. Not that long ago though the game was opened up to more devices allowing more people to get their hands on this amazing 3rd person shooter. With the new Transformer Prime on the way sporting a Tegra 3 quad-core chip, many of us wondered what games might lie ahead. Well, Shadowgun for one will be available.

If you have never played the current version that is out, then all you will see in the video is a great looking game. The rest of us will notice a lot of visual enhancements. Most notably will be the enhanced physics, particle effects and more complex textures. Courtesy of the new rag doll physics, shooting people with shotguns will let them fly across a room. Pretty cool effect if you ask me. Also there are pools of water just hanging out for no obvious reason other than to offer up visual sweetness. When you or an enemy crosses through it you will notice the ripple effect.

It is a very stunning approach to gaming on our Android devices. I look forward to seeing what some of the other game developers out there can bring to table next year. Until then, take a gander at the video below –

Source: Phandroid