
[VIDEO] A sneak peek at Android Lollipop on the Samsung Galaxy S4

Android Lollipop on the Samsung Galaxy S4SamMobile has already gotten exclusive sneak peeks at Android Lollipop running on the Galaxy S5, and continuing in this vein of leaks, they’ve managed to get Android Lollipop on the Samsung Galaxy S4 in hand as well. Check out the video that they put together which demoed it below:

As they mention in the video, this is an early build of the Lollipop update, emphasized by the lack of operational Wi-Fi which means SamMobile won’t be making the build available to try out. What is clear from the video is that the Galaxy S4’s update to Android Lollipop will be incredibly similar to the Galaxy S5’s, with plenty of common screens and menus that we have seen in the previous preview. Obviously, many of the stock Lollipop aspects are hidden below Samsung‘s TouchWiz UI, though it’s unclear if Samsung has managed to get rid of the lag and performance issues that have given it a reputation. All the same, it’s good to see that Samsung is hard at work at updating its phones, no matter how close they are to the end of their 18 month update window.

What do you think of Android Lollipop on the Samsung Galaxy S4? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: SamMobile via Phandroid