
[Video] Sony pledges support for Firefox OS, See what it looks like in early stages on a Xperia E

Firefox OS
Sony pledged their support for the upcoming FireFox OS mobile system at Mobile World Congress. The new OS is still pretty new and doesn’t have a huge following just yet, but it could have some promise. They are still looking for developers to jump on board and bring their talent to the platform in way of apps. Sony did have a few apps up and running on it and were kind enough to show it off a little bit. Looks a lot like just about every other mobile OS out there. At least to me. you can Android inspired elements, looks like a little MIUI in there mixed with some iOS. Much of how it will operate is based on HTML5 web standards, meaning there isn’t a whole lot of native code.


It is still very much experimental and talks are floating around about emerging markets seeing a release of some sort with the OS on board later this year. Mostly aiming to cover the smaller carriers and countries around the globe. It won’t turn into the monster Android and iOS are, but it will something new and different.

Source: Gottabemobile