
[VIDEO] Temple Run 2 on Android Wear is remarkably appropriate as a wearable game

temple run 2 on android wearCorbin Davenport, who has been known to put things onto Android Wear like Game Boy Color emulators and Windows 95, is at it again with something a little more current. Davenport has most recently put Temple Run 2 on Android Wear and shows it off running on both the Samsung Gear Live and his new Moto 360. Check out the video below:

As you can see, Temple Run 2 actually works quite well as a wearable game, and the only real downfall is perhaps a little delay in swipe recognition and the fact that the Moto 360’s screen cuts off a little bit too much of the screen. Still, besides the fact that its cool to see Android games running on Android Wear (for which Davenport has tutorials for doing), it’s a nice proof of concept for games to be developed for Android Wear assuming that they have a way to cater for the square and circle form factor screens.

What do you think about Temple Run 2 on Android Wear? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: YouTube