
[Video] The YotaPhone; Another dual screen Android device with EPD Eink

Dual screen devices have been popping up a little bit more lately. We saw the new NEC Medias W phone a little earlier today that folds open to two screens. It looks kinda cool and like it might be fun to toy around with. Then there is a totally different approach to the dual screen idea as sen on the YotaPhone.

The YodaPhone doesn’t flip open, rather there is a screen on the front and one on the back. The front screen is the primary screen and is full color. It is a 4.3″ 1280 x 720 HD resolution screen. It sports Android 4.2 Jelly Bean that is being pushed by a Qualcomm Snapdragon MSM 8960 dual core 1.5Ghz processor and has 2 GB or RAM. Memory wise there is a 32GB or 64 Gb version. Internal battery is a 2100 mAh. While that is all good info, it is the second screen on the rear of the device. That one is also 4.3-inches but is not an HD res screen. It is an EPD Eink screen. So, think Kindle E-Readers I suppose. It is just a greyish white screen that translates the image on the from HD screen, to Eink on the back. Take a look.


I particularly like how you can turn off the front screen and the read screen Eink image remains. Not to mention showing a plan ticket or something even if your phone has died. They showed a good amount of what the YotaPhone can do, but if I can turn off my screen and turn pages on a book on the Eink side, that is going to save tons of battery while on the go. It is quite a different approach to the dual screen idea. What do you think of the idea and of the device.

Source: AndroidPit