
[VIDEO] Watch Macintosh II running on Android Wear

Well, that was a weird title to write. If you’ve ever heard of Corbin Davenport, then you’ll know he’s known for all sorts of Android Wear wizardry, like getting Windows 95 running on his Samsung Gear Live or running a Gameboy emulator to play Pokemon, also on a Gear Live. This time, it’s a little less mainstream, at least, not in the last 28 years – Davenport has managed to get Macintosh II running on Android Wear, and he’s made a video to show you what it looks like:

Considering I hadn’t been born when Macintosh II was released, it’s even more amazing that something that was considered the cutting edge of technology back then can now be run on a device that’s strapped to our wrist. Not that you’d want to use Macintosh II everyday though – from the looks of it, the UI is much too small to be usable, but it’s always cool to see what legacy software we have that will run on our new devices.

What do you think about getting Macintosh II running on Android Wear? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: YouTube