
[Video][Poll] Galaxy Nexus overview video uploaded by Sprint. This or the EVO 4G LTE?

It was never a big secret that Sprint was picking up the Samsung Galaxy Nexus. Launch dates and availability are still a little under wraps, but April 22nd seems to be the most popular date floating around. Sprint recently uploaded a Galaxy Nexus overview video to their sprintnow YouTube channel. It runs through all the usual’s about the Gnex with a little tid bit about Google Wallet. They sure did a good job of making the screen look terrible though. Not their best moment in my opinion.

We have heard and seen quite a few people who aren’t all that thrilled about the launch of the GNex at Sprint. Primarily because the HTC EVO 4G LTE launch is right around the same time. We all know that one is a beast. I still have a feeling a lot of users will pick up a GNex though, primarily because of the stock Android/Google experience. Take a quick look at the video if you do so desire and then hit up the poll below. Lets see how many people are aiming for which device.

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