
[Videos] Watch Motorola use Voice Actions to Beat Siri in a No Holds Barred Match

For those of you that have been waiting for Android’s very own version of Siri, you already pretty much have it. Not to mention the many voice recognition apps out there to download. I have went on a diatribe about this subject before, by writing about how Google has had this voice recognition technology since the beloved G1. Yes, it does not talk back, and yes, it needed to get better. Oh boy has it! Motorola wants to prove to you that the Voice Actions technology can out due Siri any day. The three videos below bid the Electrify, the Atrix 2, and the Photon against Siri and it is pretty obvious that Voice Actions demolishes little miss Siri. Just wish one of them performed a fatality against her. FINISH HER!

Source: Engadget