
Viewsonic G-Tablet Gets Some Notion Ink Eden UI Love

Porting custom UIs from one device to another is no easy task, but it happens all the time. HTC’s Sense UI has been ported over to countless other devices. The front runners bring those highly sought after UI’s to all of us, and it’s always based deep inside our xda-developers threads.

Just yesterday, roebeet released an update to his GAdam ROM, which brings all the custom UI elements of the Notion ink Adams Eden UI over to your Viewsonic G-Tablet. As with all ports and hack, there is some risk included and some elements of the device may not function. The developer is currently on Alpha 4, so he is making progress.

If you happen to have rooted Viewsonic, you might just want to keep an eye on this ROM and get it when he fixes a few more issues.  Head on over to xda-developers to read up on this ROM and see if the risk is worth the reward.

Via: Notionaddicts