
Virgin Mobile needs 5 testers, if selected you get a free Galaxy Nexus

Galaxy Nexus from Virgin Mobile

Virgin Mobile, one of the first two Canadian carriers that will feature the Galaxy Nexus on its December 8th launch date, is looking for a 5-member “Tester Team” to run the G-Nex through the mud and back. All you’re asked to do in return is report back and share your experiences with Twitter over a 4-week period. For your services, Virgin won’t even ask you to return the phone — it’s yours to keep, so don’t run it through too much mud. The search for the lucky team of 5 began “November 25, 2011 at 10 am EST and will end on December 9 at 5 pm EST”. This offer is available throughout Canada, with the exception of Quebec and Manitoba.

Of course, we’re still stuck waiting for news on an official launch date here in the States, but we’re still happy for those of you to the north that get this wonderful opportunity. If you happen to be one of the lucky chosen 5, make sure to drop us an update on how you’re liking the Galaxy Nexus.

More here via Virgin

Source: MobileSyrup