• News
  • 13 August, 2010

Vlingo Goes Free Following Google’s Voice Search Debut

Vlingo is known for its advanced voice features that previously allowed more functionality than the native voice control features on your Android device. Yesterday, Google launched their new “Voice Search” application in the Android Market that now allows users to launch more features using the voice control application and since Google’s application is free, Vlingo’s previous paid application has dropped to free in order to compete with Google. The main draw Vlingo has over Google’s new “Voice Search” application is that Vlingo is available to Android 2.1+ plus users while Google’s latest app is currently only available to those running Android 2.2. If you are running Android 2.1 and would like to use advanced voice control feature, I recommend getting the Vlingo application. Below is a video that shows off Vlingo’s features. Enjoy!

Scan the QR code below with your Android device

or search for “Vlingo” in the Android Market. You can also click the QR code if browsing with your Android device.

Via: Vlingo

Is the Vlingo application better than Google’s app?