
Vodafone to launch their own App Store

Vodafone will be launching their own app store to be pre installed on Vodafone branded Android Phones released from June 2010.

According to this will be launched in 8 countries. These are The Netherlands, Germany, Greece, Italy, Ireland, Portugal, Spain and the UK. It will be a part of Voda’s 360 experience and will be managed by Arvarto Mobile in Germany.

Arvarto Mobile are currently looking for games and free apps to add pre-launch. They are also looking for developers who have currently released successful games and free apps on the Android market. It is not clear if this will be a replacement to the Android Market or additionally available. The developer will get a 70% share of the revenue generated from their apps, and they get to keep all ad generated income. They also want this new app store to be filled with many goodies they go live with it.
