• Rumor
  • 19 September, 2011

Was the Nexus Prime a mix up? They might be two seperate Devices

When it comes to rumors and potential mix ups with unreleased Android devices, we sure don’t have a shortage. Code names get leaked and seen in various locations and sometimes people jump the gun. Other times they put two and two together and things turn out to be correct. One of the most talked about devices has always been the rumored Samsung Nexus Prime. Images were supposedly leaked and the hype of the next Nexus device started taking over. There is nothing wrong with speculation and interpreting information, it is what we all do. What if the combo of the Nexus and the Prime wasn’t true though?

We have no doubt in our minds that Google will be launching Ice Cream Sandwich very soon. We also have no doubt that it will launch on this years Nexus device. There will always be new information coming to light as a device launch gets closer. With September on its way out, that doesn’t leave much time for the next Nexus to be announced officially. That brings us around to an article that was sent over to us from TheDroidGuy website. Cameron makes some very interesting and plausible points.

One of their writers was able to sit down with a person from Verizon. Not just any person from Verizon, but those super cool people who we all wish we had their job. The ones that get a device 6 to 12 months before they are launched or announced for testing purposes. A few thing came out of a conversation that can lead us to easily believe that the Nexus is not the Prime. For starters when asked about the devices the source stated that the Vigor was a better device than the Prime. Second, when asked if either device was sporting STOCK ANDROID, the source told them “no”.

Well, well, well, what does that mean? It means that the rumored Nexus Prime is most likely not a Nexus device at all, but rather the Droid Charge 2 and Prime is just its code name for now. It is still made by Samsung, but with their software overlay, which I assume will be TouchWiz4 but could be something else.

Cameron finishes off the article with a very quick but interesting statement –  “So we here at TheDroidGuy are the first to tell you, we have seen the next Nexus and it is not the Prime.”

All this should really make you wonder what is really going on. A little redirection, a few supposed leaks and the world goes crazy. What’s your take on the whole thing? Is the Prime really the next Nexus? Will they be the same device but one with stock Android and one with custom Android? Or are they two completely separate entities that Google and Samsung are doing their best to keep under wraps? I don’t even know what to say or to think at this point. All I do know is we should see this device very very soon.

Source: TheDroidGuy