• News
  • 24 April, 2013

[Closed] We have 10 tickets for Lookout’s Google I/O Kickoff Party to Give-A-Way!

Lookout Mobile Security Google I/O Party
Happy Wednesday everyone! We have one heck of good thing going today our amazing readers. You are sure to know that Google I/O is coming up May 15th – 17th in San Francisco, California. It is the annual developers conference that pour out new Android wonders, technology, software and a whole variety of other amazements every year. The tickets are expensive, but worth every penny for Android developers across the globe. I personally rank going to Google I/O in my top three conferences of choice to attend.

We know there will be a slew of developers down in SF for the event and we are sure there will be lots of people in the area who wish they could go. While we don’t have any tickets to get you in the door at I/O, we do have 10 tickets to hand out for Lookout’s Google I/O annual kickoff party! For some, that is almost better. So first, the details about the party.

The party is the day before Google I/O, May 14th at 7:30 pm. It will be at the Terra Gallery and they will have food, unlimited drinks and prizes. Yes, lots of free stuff to keep you happy. The prizes will be handed out to the first 200 people in the door. From what we hear, the line last year was around the block, so you will want to show up early if you want to be in the door in the first 200.

Parties like these are always a good time. You end up meeting people from across the web, from sites you love and follow and people you would never get a chance to meet in real life any other way. Don’t stop reading yet, there is more good news, you don’t have to be attending Google I/O to go party it up at the Terra Gallery with Lookout. All you need to do is be in San Francisco at the time and, of course, win a ticket. We have 10 tickets to give-a-way and each ticket will let you bring a guest if you choose too. So technically, we are getting 20 lucky people in the door for free, for free food, for free drinks and for free goodies. Hard to pass this one up.

Contest Rules

Keeping this one straight forward for you guys. Leave a comment down below answering one or more of the three questions below.

  • How excited you are to party with Lookout?
  • Why you love Lookout?
  • What you’re most excited about at this year’s Google I/O conference?

That is it. Pretty simple right? One more catch though, you must be 21 or older in order to enter since the alcohol will be flowing like water. You guys have from now until May 3rd to leave your comment. We, and Lookout, would appreciate you also sharing this around, follow us on Google+,  follow Lookout on Google+ and give their Android app a shot if you don’t already use it. None of which is a necessity to enter.

So get to leaving that comment so we can get you guys to a big party!

P.S. Travel and hotel accommodation NOT included. You have to get there and have your own place to crash. In case it isn’t clear, this is tickets to the Lookout party, NOT TO Google I/O

Update: Contest closed. Winners will be announced Monday morning May 6th.